8月1日凌晨,法国奢侈品牌 Christian Dior 在其官方微信公众号平台发布 “Lady Dior Small 手袋七夕限定款,线上精品店正式发售”,即这款包包于8月1日至4日在微信公众号和官网同时限时出售,且可以使用微信、支付宝或银行卡付款,不用到店内取货,这个定价为2万8的包包会直接顺丰包邮快递到你家。
虽然早前爱马仕、Chanel、LV 都有试水电商,但 Dior 这次的尝试显然是罕见及大胆的,这是高端奢侈品牌第一次在中国通过线上渠道去卖包包。对于上半年业绩一直在下滑的 Dior 来说,这可能是它在实体店萎靡和业绩衰退后寻求的新的成长空间,当然对于一向排斥电商、谨慎的奢侈品行业来说,也意味着新的时代已经真正到来了。Dior 是向电商屈服,还是掀起了新的时尚革命?国内媒体给出了不一样的评价,同时也让我们一起看看外媒的报道。
“Many luxury brands are operating under pressure, and they would like to open up the market through e-commerce platforms. Even if the sales were slow, they could achieve results through marketing and branding,”
《Luxury Daily》
“Dior is under pressure globally. In the first half, the fashion house and luxury retailer announced that its net profits fell 30.2 percent to 74 million euros ($82.8 million).”
“It has over 700m monthly users, and combines messaging, voice calls, browsing, gaming and payments (see article). It can be used for everything from paying parking tickets to booking a hospital appointment, ordering food or paying for a cup of coffee. ”
“To Chinese users, Western apps look hopelessly backward.”